Friday Motivation Tips to assist You Stay Motivated


Friday Motivation Tips to assist You Stay Motivated

You know the feeling — that “ I still have another whole work day to get through” feeling? It sucks. The worst part is knowing that you have to get up, get to work, and be productive when you feel checked out, unmotivated, and would rather go back to bed. The trickiest part about it’s that indeed though you may know intellectually that you ’re not the only person who has ever felt that way, at the moment, it can feel veritably lonely.

Still, try these six tips to lift your Friday provocation, If you feel the Friday funk and want to shake it off.

1. Eat a Solid Breakfast and Plan to Eat Lunch

The first thing you can do to lift your Friday provocation is to eat a solid breakfast. We’ve all heard the expression, “ breakfast is the most important mess of the day.” It turns out that it wasn’t just commodity our parents were telling us to get us to eat before academy. Studies have shown that eating breakfast can help with bettered memory, recall, mood, and visual- motor functions.

Still, experimenters have plant substantiation that the benefits of the micronutrient boost handed by breakfast do wear off after a while. Just like a auto with a full tank of gas that runs out after a long trip, the body needs to be refueled. Thus, planning to eat breakfast and lunch on a day when you aren’t feeling your stylish could give you that redundant boost you need to get through the day.

Skipping refection’s can lead to low blood sugar, which can leave you feeling weak and tired. If you’re formerly floundering with feeling motivated, not eating is only going to make you feel more sluggish and less inspired to get anything done.

2. Prioritize What’s Critical

I’ve always been a addict of the cheat distance. No, I ’m not a cheater, but I love knowing what needs to be done. No bone wants to waste any precious energy trying to figure out what should be done when you’re formerly feeling unmotivated.

No matter who you are, there’s a high probability that by Friday, on any given week, you have at least one or two particulars that were supposed to be completed before in the week but just did n’t get done. Then’s my quick trick for figuring out what’s critical.

Just ask yourself these three question

  • Are there any systems with deadlines that have passed formerly but are still due?
  • Which of those systems is the most overdue?
  • Of the overdue systems, which will take the least time to make significant progress or complete?

This should help you to fluently identify at least one task that you can spend time working on diligently, knowing that you’re getting commodity important done.

3. Attack the Low- Hanging Fruit

Another way to refresh your Friday provocation is to attack the low- hanging fruit. There’s nothing wrong with doing the easy stuff first. Perhaps you’re so burned out and the critical tasks will take too important energy. There’s nothing wrong with knocking out the egregious easy effects. Emails, form, data entry, document conciliation, follow-up calls, editing or revising written work, and exploration are each low- hanging fruits — these are all straightforward tasks.

Getting these easier tasks done will give you a sense of accomplishment. You can work this sense of accomplishment to help you attack some harder tasks or get all the easy tasks done so the following week, you can devote your time to the harder systems.

4. Give Yourself at Least Two Slated Breaks

Give yourself at least two listed breaks during the workday. Life is stressful. Feeling like you have to work when you don’t feel up to it’s stressful. Let’s not compound it by forcing yourself to sit in front of the computer all day with no breaks. The days of believing that “ lunch is for punks and working 80 hours a week is what you should be doing” are fading down — if not formerly a distant memory for some.

In fact, scientists discovered that, although “ taking short breaks throughout the working day may not have as egregious an impact as taking a vacation, exploration has plant significant benefits. Studies have plant that breaks can reduce or help stress, help to maintain performance throughout the day and reduce the need for a long recovery at the end of the day.”

Before you sit down in front of your office for the workday, set three admonitions — two 20- nanosecond breaks and one lunch break. You aren’t proving anything to anyone by forcing yourself to be miserable in front of your computer. You earn inflexibility and compassion. Let these breaks be a radical act of tone- care.

5. Hear to Some Upbeat Melodies

Another way to ameliorate your Friday provocation is to hear to some upbeat melodies. Music is drug. It isn’t a riddle that the climate of sound can affect our mood. Ancient communities knew this and embraced it through practices like chanting, the use of singing coliseums, chimes, bells, and other sound instruments as tools for mending. Practices like Kirtan and Bhakti yoga use chanting to heal and shift energy. The Hindu and Buddhist persuasions use bells and chimes in numerous of their spiritual mending rituals. Throughout the ultramodern world, we’ve espoused the use of subscribing coliseums for energetic mending.

Utmost people could recall at least one moment in their lives when music or sound has helped shift their mood. Music has been shown to have a direct effect on the listener. Studies show that harkening to music while you work can lead to an “ increase in both mood and quality of work”.

Still, the result to your problem may be throwing on your favorite reader in the background while you try to get a many effects done, If you’re feeling super unmotivated. However, explore stripes like Trip hop, house, If you can’t work while harkening to music with words and you don’t like classical music or traditional jazz. You may also enjoy artists like Bonobo, Thievery Corporation, and Grammatik.

6. Give Yourself Commodity to Look Forward To

As a yogi, I ’m all about being present in the moment. But occasionally, the present is a little too violent, and being super present isn’t going to help to ameliorate your mood. In those moments, tapping into the power of positive expectation can be your secret armament because “ knowing that commodity good is coming your way pushes you to negotiate those tasks you may not inescapably want to do.”

We all love to be awarded, especially when we’re doing commodity we do n’t want to do. Giving yourself commodity to look forward to is the way to guarantee that you’ll be awarded for the hard work of getting through the day.

The price does n’t have to be immense. It can be commodity small like getting ice cream, going for a walk, spending time with musketeers, or vegging out with your phone on don’t disturb for a many hours. I used to employ this trick a lot when I was in boarding academy. The time between semesters in new England would feel so long especially in the downtime that my musketeers and I would let ourselves get agitated about little effects like drinking lime rickeys at Brigham’s. Believe it or not, it worked.

Try it the coming time you get the hit with the Friday funk. Suppose about commodity you can look forward to no matter how small, and notice how it shifts your energy.

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